CBP Statistics Show Continued Aggressive Enforcement
Of Imported Textiles And Apparel

October 22, 2012

CBP recently published statistics on its website that convincingly show that CBP is continuing its strict enforcement of the laws and regulations pertaining to imported textiles and apparel. CBP has designated the enforcement of textiles and apparel laws as a Priority Trade Issue (PTI), meaning that substantial resources are devoted to this sector.

The statistics published by CBP clearly show that there are many violations and/or non-compliance in this sector.

A summary of highlights of the statistical data for the first half of FY 2012 is as follows:

  • No. of Seizures (IPR) involving textiles and apparel:  3,654 valued at $5.21M
  • Commercial Fraud Penalties:  10 valued at $27.76M
  • Liquidated Damage Assessments Involving Textiles:  531
  • Illegal Transshipments:  57 factories visited; 19% discrepant
  • Trade Preference Claims:  57 factories visited; 32% discrepant
  • Physical Examinations:  Total of 3,668; 448 discrepant (12%)
  • Audits:  20 initiated; 17 completed; recommended duty recovery:  $962K
  • Laboratory Analyses:  Samples tested:  543; 295 found discrepant (54.3%)

These statistics clearly reflect the growing trend of CBP to be more vigorous in its efforts to enforce compliance of imported textiles and apparel. In particular, importers of textiles and apparel who use trade preference programs should exercise due diligence to ensure that their imports meet all applicable requirements. Click through for the full set of statistics.

Companies should carefully consider implementing procedures to ensure compliance with the import requirements relating to their textile and apparel products.

For further information on these procedures or to answer any questions you may have about this or other customs issues, please contact George R. Tuttle at george.tuttle.sr@tuttlelaw.com; (415) 288-0425.


George Tuttle is an attorney with the Law Offices of George R. Tuttle in San Francisco.


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